Vrchat Boots Me Back to Home World Again and Again


Coming home later on a vacation or even merely a day of work can be a wonderful feel or a terrible i. Returning to the place you are nigh familiar with and feel safest in is nice, just non if something has gone wrong in your absence.

All kinds of things could occur when no one is home to prevent them. Pets could become into things they shouldn't, destroy stuff or just brand a horrible mess. A water tank or pipes could rupture, flooding the firm for hours or days and leading to extremely costly damages. Fires, natural disasters, crimes… all kinds of things can brand coming home a nightmare rather than a pleasant ending. This list will share some stories posted by net users from effectually the globe of the absolute worst things they have ever had the misfortune to come home to.

An Empty Dwelling house

I came abode from a business trip with 3/iv of the furniture at my house gone. My wife of twenty+ years had left me for her loftier schoolhouse sweetheart and moved across the country to be with him. She took everything she wanted and left me with divorce papers. Hard to imagine a 5000-square-foot house with zippo in it. Depressing for sure.



Got home after piece of work, sat down on my couch, caught a glimpse of something in the corner of my eye. Turn towards the love seat and see a squirrel sitting on tiptop of it. Look behind the love seat and see that my air conditioner side paneling was torn to shreds and all over the floor.


Chased the squirrel out and made better side paneling, merely the squirrels never stopped trying to become in. It was horrible hearing them scratching and gnawing. My landlord tried putting up some wire fencing around the window hoping to foreclose them from getting in. Instead, they would manage to arrive and then forget how to become out. Then they would exist trapped between the wiring and my A/C, panicking and gnawing at the window sill and I'd feel bad for them and despise them at the same time. This went on for a long time and I now detest squirrels and window A/C units.

My friends printed and framed a peculiarly good photo of one of those squirrels attempting to go far. And bought me a squirrel throw pillow.

Should've Waited 30 Minutes

We went on vacation for three weeks, driving beyond the country. I told the now-ex, "Let's turn the water off."


"No, nosotros tin't, I'm running a load of dishes."

"Shoot, dearest, nosotros can wait 30 minutes for them to finish."

"No! Nosotros have to exit."

When I came home, the door wouldn't open. Turns out, the icemaker h2o control solenoid decided that information technology had been working for too long, and stopped holding the water back. There was mold everywhere. Everything in the house went into the trash—clothes, bedding, furniture, etc. They took up all the flooring downwards to the slab, and the bottom 4 feet of drywall, downwards to the studs. It was a six-month rehab job.

A Frightening Realization

I become to plough on the low-cal and… nix. The electricity is off. Go to the electricity box outside and turn it on and go back inside: The firm has been cleared out of all valuable things. I hear a whirring sound and realize it's the old VCR video record rewinder rewinding the videotape. I put it in in the morning as I left home with my infant son. And then it dawns on me: that tape simply takes almost three minutes to rewind… The burglars must have turned off the electricity seconds after I left home with my baby in the morning. They were watching me exit from inside the garden…


Fever Delusions

I was 13 and came domicile from school. My female parent was walking effectually the house without wearing apparel and delirious. Randomly picking objects upward and dropping them. Calling me past a proper name that wasn't mine. I chosen 9-i-one and a neighbor.


She had a fever of 104. Information technology was bacterial meningitis. She was in a medically induced coma after that, required brain surgery and so months of antibiotics. She had amnesia after that and was never really the same.

Wasps Trounce Sheetrock

My dad came home to observe a wasp in the firm. And then another. So another. He investigated. Heard a buzzing coming from the dining room. An entire nest of wasps had been living in the walls and chewed through the sheetrock (or any information technology is they did) and were at present pouring into the house through the hole.


Ran Abroad For Spray

I left abode one forenoon and noticed a scattering of fruit flies buzzing effectually the kitchen. Thought nothing of information technology, figured I'd buy some traps subsequently. Came home to hundreds of them, everywhere, along the walls and ceilings in every room. I literallyran down the street to a Rite Assist and bought all the bug spray and traps they had.


Poor Mitt!

My dog had had surgery on both paws. Hubby decided after a few days that he trusted him without the cone of shame. I arrived domicile to find bits of white cotton scattered downwardly the hall. I followed them to find the living room flooring covered and the canis familiaris in his bed with a paw swollen to twice its usual size after he'd shredded the bandages and ripped out his stitches. Worst treasure chase always.


The Hatching

Eight billion babe praying mantises in my house. Over the fall, my daughter went out into the forest and collected every praying mantis cocoon she could observe and put them in a shoebox in her bedroom. They all hatched in the early spring while we were visiting my parents for the 24-hour interval…


Wanted To Know

My dad had cancer and we were taking intendance of him for near a twelvemonth. I went abroad to my cousin's birthday party for the weekend and came dorsum to him almost gone. I appreciate that my mom didn't want to ruin my weekend but I never would accept forgiven myself if I missed his passing.


Just Went Out To Dinner!

One time my family unit returned from dinner out (a few hours at least) and upon entry back into the house, we noticed water leaking from the garage roof. Turns out, our top floor toilet tank had cracked and water had been continuously pouring and was cascading downwardly the stairs, through all iii floors—a ridiculous amount of damage.


Stricken Kitten

I came abode to injury trails all over the business firm. My true cat got hurt for some reason—I all the same don't know how to this day. It was a long cut on i of her hind legs. Brought her to the vet, stitched her up and she's skillful now.


I've made sure to cheque for whatsoever and all precipitous objects around the house.

Bad Sally!

When I was in about sixth form or so, my family and I adopted a dog—Emerge—whom we had found abandoned with her pups. Nosotros found the pups a home and decided to keep Sally. Little did we know, the mom had separation anxiety.


Before I left for the school bus one forenoon afterward my parents had gone to piece of work, I was to put Sally in her kennel, but she absolutely REFUSED to make it. Knowing I was already running late, I only gave up and left.

When I came home that afternoon, it was pure destruction. The blinds had been destroyed, she had scattered all my things on my desk on the floor—including a minor fish tank—and the house had a myriad of broken objects throughout. Permit's simply say my parents weren't likewise thrilled, simply I managed to persuade them to keep her.

Dorm Delirium

My best friend and I came dorsum to my dorm room after a night out and found the door broad open up, a bloody coating on the floor, and an empty room.


Turned out that my roommate had fallen off her lofted bed, cut her shin on a piece of metal on the bed, and was so disoriented that she went into a different (unlocked) dorm room and fell asleep on that person's bed.

My all-time friend got sick in the water fountain after seeing the blood. We concluded up eating our post-dark-out Taco Bell cold in an ER waiting room while my roommate got stitches. A very memorable night!


Came home from visiting my wife'south family unit over Christmas break. She had asked a friend to come past and feed our cats, and the friend agreed. When we got dorsum home, there was no food or water in any of the cat bowls, and ane of our cats was sitting in the corner not moving. This cat was a terror and never just "sat in the corner" so nosotros knew something was wrong. We took him to the emergency vet where the vet said he was severely dehydrated. Unfortunately, he had some sort of brain damage and nosotros had to put him down.


When we confronted the friend she said she went by every twenty-four hours—nosotros have determined that to exist a lie.

No Injury, Just Horror

Kid decided to remove diaper after going number 2, then smear information technology everywhere. Wife was covered in it and anybody was screaming. When I walked in, I assumed someone was severely injured.


A Harrowing Autumn

I came habitation and establish my front door wide open, my parents missing, my neighbors on my front end backyard (nosotros don't talk to my neighbors) and blood all over our grass and the nearby wall.


Turned out my father, who knows how to practice professional landscaping/tree trimming/gardening etc., was trimming the tree in our forepart m when a branch bankrupt and he lost his balance. He fell backward and concluded up landing on our neighbor's contend, which is topped by steel spikes. One of the spikes went into his leg, though he apparently didn't even notice or feel it then he pulled himself off the fence without a problem, but when he tried to stand he collapsed onto the lawn. He had to have emergency surgery, but survived. His wound was so bad that when he made it to the hospital, a police officer and medico confronted him because they figured he had to have been attacked and tried to get him to admit information technology so that they could find the culprit. Information technology was an incredibly scary moment, simply that was 17 years agone and he is fine today, though he did end up eventually getting his revenge by chopping that tree down.

Best Friends Disturbed

My married woman and I left our two cats home over the weekend. Something spooked them or something, so they each idea that the other was a foreign intruder. Plainly, this included a fight inside the litter box (which had a couple days worth in information technology). Long story short, both cats were totally covered in clay, neither had used the litter box since so there were presents everywhere, they had been sprinting all over the apartment then everything else was covered in the stuff, and they would completely freak out and hiss the second they saw 1 another.


All we had to exercise was get them close enough to recognize each other (through their now chocolate-brown coats of fur), and they were totally arctic, best friends again. The humans, on the other paw, had days of cleaning to practice after that.

Not Ok

Mom was being sick; I entered the bathroom to help her, she stood up, walked out of the bathroom and said: "It's time." She packed her things with dad's help and left to the hospital. She was a doctor and she stayed at the infirmary for her final month of life—she had lung cancer.


She said she was "ok" afterward catastrophe her handling six months before. She was lying merely at least she preserved my innocence for a while.

Life has never been the aforementioned.

A Happy Bleeder

Blood. Claret everywhere. My 700-foursquare-foot apartment looked like a family had been attacked in information technology.


I was working a 12-hr shift at work and had a friend terminate by to check on the dog. She immediately called me to tell me the walls were covered in the stuff, the carpeting was soaked, splatter everywhere. My canis familiaris comes running up and he, too, is covered in it. He is wagging his tail in pure joy that someone is abode, activating the blood sprinkler. He had ii deep cuts on his tail from a glass bottle he broke. I left work immediately to take care of him. Get domicile and the sprinkler is going off once more and on its highest setting!

I call the vet that is across the street from me and let them know the state of affairs and that we're coming over. I effort wrapping his wounds in towels and tape them so he isn't splattering everything in a v-foot radius. Alas, he is such a happy canis familiaris and his tail is besides potent for my bandage. It slips off in, like, two tail wags. We walk to the vet and I'm trying to sign in while simultaneously belongings a towel effectually my domestic dog and then he doesn't brand a mess. The vets clearly didn't believe the severity when I told them the situation, because when they saw the amount of claret going all over their pristine lobby they started panicking and trying to get a mop to clean information technology up. We waited in the lobby for perhaps fifteen minutes. There was a lot to clean.

Cleaning the apartment took me virtually viii bottles of peroxide and iv hours of cleaning with the help of a few other people. I've never seen that much blood before.

Over a course of a couple months, we tried staples, stitches, glue, and a combination of all of them at once. His happy tail was too happy for any of them to piece of work and his wounds wouldn't shut and heal. We ended up having to amputate his tail. Now he is a proud member of the jerk butt nub society.

Broken Dwelling house, Broken Promise

My one-twelvemonth-old son's empty room after his female parent and I dissever up. We planned on 50/50 custody but she took everything. I closed the door and didn't open it for the three months that I had to live there. I came from a broken home and promised myself I'd never do that to my child; I'd felt like such a failure.



When I was around seven, I came habitation from a family weekend away and walked into my room towards my cove. I had this hanging chain that you put your beanie babies on. As I passed information technology, information technology seemed like in that location was a agglomeration of grit particles in the air around me.


I started moving my hands in front end of my confront as if to push the dust particles from blocking my view… that was when I realized.

These were not dust particles, just rather hundreds upon hundreds of tiny baby spiders. While we were gone, tons of eggs hatched and I was walking in all of them hanging from the ceiling on web strings.

I immediately ran screaming into the shower and refused to get dorsum in for days subsequently my dad got rid of them all. That was the end of me having beanie babies, time to grow up.

Perhaps Seen Too Many Horror Movies

I got home at midnight after hanging out with friends at a local restaurant, and I walk in my house to come across my and so two-year-quondam sis (I live with my parents still) standing in complete darkness, the simply light being a blood-red Christmas light. I screamed and wound up waking my mother. Apparently, my very young sister might be a sleepwalker…


Dusting The Toys

I had been out of the land for three days at a music festival. Came home to my front door crowbarred in, and my unabridged house trashed. They had taken my Boob tube, DVDs, laptops, etc.


Almost forgot the best bit—the just DVD they left untouched (out of a drove of 200+) was a re-create of Marley & Me. I truly call back it was their concluding "spiral you" as they were leaving.

A Serial Of Unfortunate Events

After learning the oil and gas company close down afterwards four years of my employment, I got home at ten:30 a.m. Both my neighbor and the Leasing Office manager were outside, watching me carry my "office/desk box". Inquiries were firsthand: "Hey, insert proper name, why are you home so early? What is in that box?"


Then I learned the generator was hit past "mean birds" and was out of service. That means, all the groceries I merely bought were sitting in the fridge and I had no task, with the added bonus of no electricity. The power didn't "turn on" until after the next morning. I knew this was a sign of twists and turns to come, and boy accept they!

Brownies Are Not For Dogs

An old dog of mine had become sick after getting ahold of a large batch of double fudge brownies at some point during the day, and by the time I got home, I walked into a house with no less than 25 separate puddles (yes, puddles) of stench. Poor fella had to eat bland boiled chicken and rice for a week.


True cat Dinner Party

Years ago we would military camp for weeks at a fourth dimension, coming come a few times a week to do laundry, feed the cats, etc. Our cats had a doggie/kitty window and could come and get as they pleased. Came domicile i nighttime to my cat having guests and serving them bunny. It was a fluffy mess.


RIP Butch

New year's day'due south Eve, came habitation at one a.thou. or so and the front porch was messy. Neighbor's dog was scared of the fireworks and came over to our porch to hide where our xvi-year-old canis familiaris was. They'd fought in the past, but this time he couldn't agree his own and the other dog injured him badly. He died 2 days after (after we stitched him up and seemed to be getting better, merely nope.) That canis familiaris was tough as nails and sweet as can be. RIP Butch.


A Mess That Was Near Much Worse

I of our bathrooms has a shower with a rim that is two inches above the drain. The sewer outside got clogged it backed up in that shower and over that edge and was near about to reach my carpet. I had to employ all my towels and old clothes to absorb the mess and had to run out purchase mops and buckets and clean up until plumber arrived.


New Homeowner's Crash Course

Pittsburgh received an ungodly corporeality of rain this bound/summertime. Neighborhoods flooded, houses slid downwardly hills, and the bespeak went underwater. Needless to say, it was a adept year for a new homeowner like myself to discover how water affects a home.


Two months later on purchase, I come home from night class (was at work since 4:45 a.m.) at nine:45 and the house smells and feels damp. I knew something was incorrect and my gut was sinking.

Allow me preface that my basement hates me. So much has happened in that basement over the past two months that opening the door to the basement is enough to trigger a day's worth of anxiety, let lonely having this sinking feeling there may be water downwards at that place.

I go far i/4 down the stairs and immediately I know there's h2o downward there somewhere. I tin odor it. I peer over to the other side and there's water pouring in from the exterior basement door and the back half of the basement carpet is soaked. Similar, it's black information technology's and then soaked. Fortunately, the unfinished side has a drain and vinyl floor, so in that location was no issue over there, but betwixt the humid, clammy, and musty odour of the finished side and all of the house centipedes strewn well-nigh the room enjoying the bad environment, I was feeling downright defeated. Before I started cleaning, I discovered a large maple leafage chock-full the surface of the drain in my the exterior walkway to my basement and caused the unabridged walkway to pool up with rainwater. I was up until 1:30 a.1000. that night shop-vacuuming the water out of the carpet. I'm very fortunate the carpet is all-weather, so I could allow it to dry over the next few days. I promptly purchased a dehumidifier and atrium drain the next morning. To this mean solar day, I am still paranoid every time I come dwelling.

A Male parent In Need

My dad, sitting at the foot of his bed, in tears. I am so glad I got home when I did. I was out with friends and something was telling me I needed to get habitation ASAP, and so I left early. I only gave him a huge hug.


Bad Commutation

I went on an exchange study trip abroad. The academy helped me to sublet my student adaptation to a Chinese exchange pupil while I was away. Before returning dwelling house, I called the section secretary for some study-related stuff, and she quietly asked, "How much have you heard?"


It turned out that the Chinese student had trashed the flat, then ran away to another state without a trace. The janitor had to get in there considering of the smell to remove some garbage, and, of course, the hire had not been paid. It was only due to the department of secretarial assistant putting a lot of pressure level on the visitor that had sponsored the pupil to pay my hire that I was able to go along my place. I nonetheless had to spend a calendar week cleaning and had to throw away a lot of stuff.

The Tiniest Screams

The screams of five mice stuck in glue traps.


I was in college and coming home for the winter one year and my mom had a minor mouse infestation. She decided to buy these gum traps to catch them and they were effective, all the same, unlike regular mouse traps that kill them instantly these simply trap them and allow them dice of exhaustion and/or hunger.

When I got abode that day, five of them had gotten caught in the traps and were screaming their lungs out in desperation. It was such a terrifying symphony of screams and I had absolutely no idea what was going on when I walked through the door and worried that something had happened to my dog Snoopy. He was fine and after I called my mom she explained what was going on and asked me if I could take care of them, which was also a terrible affair to come home to.


I came home from Christmas Eve with the grandparents and at that place was a pack of pit bulls (like five of them) tied upwardly right outside the door. They were barking and going crazy, completely blocking access to the door.


I was a child, and then to me, information technology was Cerebrus himself lashed to the front door of my house. I'm already not into dogs because I was attacked by one as a toddler. Even as an adult, a barking dog just kind of makes me freeze and go blank. And so I accept no recollection of what happened, where nosotros went, who handled the dogs.

It turns out that my mom had a stalker and he had tied the dogs up at the firm in some kind of weird bound of stalker logic. Like he thought she would phone call him for help or something? I don't know.

Lazy Husband To Vanquish All Lazy Husbands

I came home from working at a call center. I started at five a.thousand. so I could be abode for lunch and still accept some day left to do things and spend time with my kids. I walk in the door and my husband, who was a stay-calm dad for our ii- and three-year-erstwhile children, was fast comatose and snoring on the couch. In the kitchen, the freezer door was wide open and most likely had been for hours. This was a drawer-fashion one on the lesser of the refrigerator, so the silverish lining was that neither kid had fallen and had it closed on them. Those tubes of yogurt nosotros kept in the freezer were all over the house, partially eaten having been bitten open with the residual melting into the carpet. Kids were in the youngest's room, the unabridged toybox empty and them sitting in it—yet in pajamas with overflowing diapers. Oh, and we had one bedroom wall entirely covered in scribbles.


Two screaming, needy toddlers couldn't wake him up all morning merely I yell, "What the HECK!?!" and he bolts awake. The outset thing he does? Make coffee,  while I change the kids and clean up. Nosotros had a yelling match exterior and I took the kids to my parents. There had been a lot of bad stuff before and came after until we divorced, but I nonetheless look back at that as ane of the real straw breaking the camel'southward dorsum moments. I quit my job shortly later making him be the breadwinner because obviously he couldn't be trusted to care for them.

Innocence Billed

I was 12 years old and messaging a strange guy from another country that I had met online who claimed to be 12. Trivial ol' me forgot about international fees. I came home to mom and dad sitting waiting for me in the living room in our big armchair villain-style, with a stack of reports on my mom's lap: the $800 phone beak, how many texts were sent between me and the guy, and what was said in those texts. This guy was bad and pulled me into very awful conversations multiple times, and beingness pretty innocent I went along because… that's what you were supposed to do, right?


And when my parents pulled the pecker, they saw every word exchanged between us. My parent's faces were and then heartbroken and upset and disturbed when I came in, I'll never erase them from my brain.

Zilch At All

Nothing. Literally zip.


My home was destroyed from the Camp Fire. That was pretty much everything I owned and it burned so hotly even metal was melted. Nothing salvageable. I tin can't beget to supervene upon well-nigh of what was lost so I've merely been getting more and more than depressed. I only look forward to sleeping and I'grand spending more and more than of my time in bed.

Lost my home and task all at once. I dunno what I'm gonna practice. But the town is gone. So many houses and business organisation that might not even go rebuilt.

Dead & Done

I got a call during D&D that my great-grandma had passed away, then I knew I was gonna get dwelling to something different. I didn't look to become home before the funeral domicile retrieved her body, and it was actually weird to see it in a familiar chair that looked exactly similar someone I knew.


It could've been much worse, though. My grandpa works hospice and nosotros both have much darker, drier, and more contemptuous senses of humor, so we were merely quietly bouncing off of each other in the living room adjacent to her while everyone else was on the other side of the firm.

Goats Everywhere!

Goats everywhere inside our house. Nosotros left the house for the twenty-four hours and someone didn't completely close the front door. We had a small tribe of goats at the time. they somehow managed to escape their enclosure, find the open up door, and make their style within. Once inside, they proceeded to destroy the business firm as only goats could practise. They ate everything newspaper-based, such as money, letters, bills, and mail. They made a mess on everything, including the beds and couches they took leisurely naps on. They destroyed what limited art we had and ate many of the kid's toys.


It took several days of cleaning to go the house not to wait and smell similar a befouled.

Full Of Flies

A kitchen total of flies. They'd hatched from somewhere well-nigh the kitchen window, I'1000 guessing in the gutter or something.


Hundreds of the things buzzing near. I felt sick but managed to shoo well-nigh of them out.

Too Tranquility

Dead silence.


Probably 12 years ago at present, my sister got her iv kids (ages six months to 8 years) taken away. CPS gave them to my parents and since I was a 13-year-sometime, they basically became my siblings. I helped raise them, taught them basically everything from reading/eating/playing games etc. Basically being an older sibling. Two years went by and i solar day I got home from school and it was dead quiet. I yet remember the sound. My dad was home, so I asked where they were and he told me some lady from CPS came and got their coats/some clothes and took them away. And that's the terminal we've heard of them. That was it. No goodbyes or nothing. They probably don't even remember me at all.

Nobody In that location To Help

I was like xv (33 now) and came home super excited to get my begetter'south camcorder as myself and about 6 to vii friends were in this "motion picture making" phase. We'd come up upwardly with scenes, human action them out, and I'd edit them later using a pirated version of Adobe Premiere all just considering (and being the techie, to learn). Anyway, that's kind of besides the bespeak. I walked into my firm, turn the corner into the hallway and discover my mother passed away.  Eye bug. She had some ongoing problems the doctors couldn't exactly figure out so this wasn't the first time she had an "episode" just itwas the first time she had one when someone wasn't effectually to be able to help her. RIP Ma.


From Sweet To… Sail

One morn when we were leaving for work, my wife noticed that the dog had eaten half a pack of sugarless gum. At the time, nosotros did not know that the sweetener in sugarless gum, xylitol, is dangerous for dogs. We simply went to work. We were fortunate in that her health was fine, as xylitol can be deadly. She was OK, but we came home to a ghastly smell in the firm. The dog was sitting in half-inch-deep liquid number two in her crate. She was coated caput to toe in information technology, and was excited to see us and wagging her tail, sending a spray four feet in every management. It took hours to clean her and the room up, and days to get rid of the odour.


Mid-Bake-Session Realization

I got domicile from work one 24-hour interval while I was in the Air Strength, and found my firm empty. Wife, kid, and domestic dog all gone. Pot of common cold, uneaten mac and cheese on the stove and the other iii counter tops full of cake pops in varying states of completion. Like she only decided mid-baking session that she was leaving me.


The Worst Day

A bunch of cop cars and cops standing effectually in the yard, it was a hot sunny solar day. I don't recollect who else was there except my ex-mother-in-law. I had merely dropped off my 3-yr-old at my grandmother'southward house only my ane-year-old twins were in their automobile seats in the back, and I opened the door and was told my husband passed abroad within the house. I took the twins out of their machine seats and sat in the grass in the sunday with them and I don't really think how long I sat there.



Source: https://www.smarter.com/people/people-from-around-the-world-share-the-worst-thing-they-have-ever-come-home-to?utm_content=params%3Ao%3D740011%26ad%3DdirN%26qo%3DserpIndex

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